The next travel is just around the corner, besides various travel diseases, one should also think of seemingly more banal thing: From sunburn to pre-travel checklists, here you will find numerous tips as well as the way to your nearest travel health clinic in order to travel safely and healthily.
Many travellers do not think about health advice as part of their holiday and travel planning. Make an appointment in due time with a travel medicine expert. Click here to find the expert near you
Travel health can be complicated and sources of advice fragmented, leaving travellers uninformed and under-prepared
Travellers are unclear on where best to seek professional advice and can’t always get a convenient appointment
Despite having made a significant investment in the cost of their holiday, people perceive travel health as expensive compared to the risk of travelling unprotected
As a result, travellers often leave it too late to seek professional travel health advice and protection, or do not seek advice at all
No matter whether you are travelling abroad on holiday, visiting family or friends or travelling for business, you should consider the potential health-related risks you may be exposed to. It is recommended that you research the countries you are travelling to and seek professional travel health advice from either your nearest travel health service, or a doctor who offers a comprehensive travel health service.
These travel health services will help you to understand the risks and take the appropriate preventative measures.
If you need vaccinations for your travels, you may need to allow time for more than one dose. For this reason, it is recommended that you seek comprehensive travel health advice at least 6 weeks before travelling.
Make an appointment with an expert and get informed about all travel diseases and available travel vaccinations. Click here to find your expert near you:
The next holiday is just around the corner – whether it's a short trip within Europe, a long-distance journey or a trip around the world – before embarking on your travels, there are many things to consider. Make use of our comprehensive checklist to ensure you have thought through everything you might need for your time abroad..
**Ensure any painkillers or medications that you take are permitted in your destination country.